Why We Hunt

Two Important Perspectives
International Council of Game Conservation
Randall L. Eaton and Shane P. Mahoney

Across the wide belt of the North American continent a profound debate surges. It is a collision of worldviews; a refinement of man's view of himself; a reinterpretation of Eden; a great contemplation of the future of mankind. Yet, despite this profound nature, the debate in question is delivered to the public as a clash of soft sentimentality and rigorous rationalism, the central theme portrayed by both sides as something so far removed from its essential self that it is at worst belittled, at best trivialized.

The Role of Hunters in the Conservation of Wildlife

Fourth Annual Governor's Symposium on North America's Hunting Heritage
Shane P. Mahoney

Hunting traditions are perceived to be highly threatened by a number of factors including the animal rights movement, general cultural change, increased urbanization, and habitat and wildlife depletion. Surprisingly relatively few studies have, even with this imminent threat, investigated the cultural importance and conservation achievements of hunting. As a result even wildlife agencies and professionals are rarely able to articulately describe the value, merits and overall importance of hunting to present societies.

Woodland Caribou Calf Mortality in Insular Newfoundland

Transaction of 19th International Union of Game Biologists Congress
Mahoney, S. P., Abbott, H., Russell, L. H., & Porter B.R.

Between 1979 and 1984 mortality in woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus teraenovae) calves was studied on Newfoundland island. From three herds, two hundred 1-3 day old calves were outfitted with mortality sensing radio-collars. Calves were usually relacted at least once a day during their first three weeks of life, less frequently thereafter. The chief cause of death was predation by black bears (Ursus americanus) and lynx (Lync ceradensis). Wolves (Canis lupus) are absent from Newfoundland.

Why Hunting Has Defined the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

Transactions of the 66th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Valerius Geist, Shane P. Mahoney, & John F. Organ

Wildlife conservation in Canada and the United States emerged during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, recognizably distinct from other forms found worldwide. Deemed the "North American Model," it has endured a test of time that has seen dramatic changes in society and the landscape of North America. The Model has also become a system of sustainable development of a renewable natural resource that is without parallel in the world.

The Animal/Human Interface:

A Journey Toward Understanding Our Views of Nature and Our Use of Animals
Transactions of the 63rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Shane P. Mahoney

The world of the 21st century will be vastly poorer in terms of natural diversity than the world we inherited. In truth, there is nothing we can do to change this reality, but we can modify the scale and severity of this reduction. To do so we must fashion and accept a collective world view that safeguards the natural systems upon which all life depends, and we must redefine humanity's relationship with Earth and all living things.

Distribution and Abundance of Insular Newfoundland Caribou and the Effects of Human Activities

Proceedings of the Second North American Caribou Workshop
Mercer, E., Mahoney, S. P., Curnew, K., and Finlay, C.

In insular Newfoundland there are 13 native and 19 introduced caribou herds numbering approximately 40,000 animals. The present day distribution of native herds differs from that of the 18th and 19th centuries in that only inaccessible barrens contain caribou populations. In all insular ranges of Newfoundland caribou studied, the centers of distribution are at maximum distances from human activities.